Family Dinner
Showing our shoes off at the Rehearsal Dinner
Hair Time
Wedding Favors
I was quite impressed with Mark's Medals
Waiting for the photographer to need them
Resting after the family dinner
Looking at Emily's slideshow.
Cousin Danny and Aunt Kathy
Chatting before the wedding
Madeline giving some last minute orders from the Bride
Our Dance Party
Looks like he was directing Madeline where to go......
Doing the Cuban Shuffle
The new in-laws Mr. and Mrs. McCord dancing it up.
Time to cut the cake. The cake was actually missing at that time. So we ended up having them cut a cupcake instead. Oh, but don't worry. We found the cake.
Melinda caught Emily's bouquet
We decided that Mark needed to throw something as well. So Elliot gave his tie to Mark to throw.
Franky caught the tie!
Time to do the wobble
Our DJ
Maybe it's just me but I think Emily's wedding was a smashing success.